Mango Ginger Garlic Salad Dressing (1).pdf
Lime Cilantro Garlic Salad Dressing.pdf
Mango Ginger salad dressing goes with any type of garden salad. Try it as a marinade with chicken!
Lime Cilantro Garlic salad dressing is light and flavorful, with fresh cilantro and lime it has a fresh, zesty edge.
Fried Honey Banana (1).pdf
Lemon Ginger Honey Tea (1).pdf
This quick fried banana recipe makes great pupus! Try it with plantains too, it brings out the sweetness.
This tea is excellent any time. it lasts a long time in the refrigerator as a concentrate of honey, lemon, and ginger. Great for cold mornings, relieving scratchy throat or when you want to flavor up your exercise drink!